Novelty detection on a laboratory benchmark slender structure using an unsupervised deep learning algorithm




The process that involves the continuous monitoring and analysis of a structure's behavior and performance is known as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). SHM typically involves the use of sensors and other monitoring devices to collect data, such as displacements, strains, accelerations, among others. These data are analyzed using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify any signs of abnormal behavior or deterioration. This paper presents a numerical and experimental study of a slender frame subjected to five levels of structural changes under impact loading. The dynamic responses were recorded by four accelerometers and used to build models based on Sparse Auto-Encoders (SAE). Such models can identify each of the five structural states in an unsupervised way. A new strategy to define the hyperparameters of the SAE is presented, which proved to be adequate in the experiments conducted. Finally, the experimental data set is made available to the scientific community to serve as a benchmark for validating SHM methodologies to identify structural changes from dynamic measurements.






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