Experimental Investigation of FRP contribution in reinforced concrete T-beams strengthened in shear with different strengthening schemes





This study presents an experimental investigation on the contribution of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets in shear-strengthened beams with different strengthening schemes. Three different reinforcement types and strengthening schemes are applied (U-shaped, U-shaped with additional anchorage and fully-wrapped). The strength contribution of FRP sheets, internal stirrups, and concrete are estimated based on experimental data. Two different anchoring strategies to prevent the FRP strengthening from debonding were also present, using horizontal strips of FRP and rebars on grooves on the web of the beams. The behavior of each of the beams is discussed in terms of load-displacement, failure mode, strains distribution, cracking pattern, and shear force contribution. The influence of the strengthening configuration and FRP anchorage on the FRP shear contribution and total shear resistance is discussed based on the experimental. The individual contribution of FRP, stirrups and concrete are estimated based on strain data from the tests. Finally, the experimental shear capacity is compared to the recommendations of ACI 440.2R, and fib Bulletins 14 and 90.






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