Elastic and Viscoelastic Analysis of Stress Distribution in Single Lap Joints under Tensile Loading: Analytical and Numerical Approaches





In this study, stress variations in cylindrical single lap joints under tensile loading were investigated as both elastic and viscoelastic(time-dependent) solutions. Analytical modeling utilized the Pugno-Carpinteri method and the Lubkin-Reissner method, while numerical modeling employed the Abaqus analysis program. The viscoelastic solution was derived from the associated elastic solution application using the Alfrey correspondence principle. Transformed elastic modulus values for the viscoelastic solution were obtained through methodologies proposed by Schapery and the generalized Maxwell-Wiechert model. The analyses revealed that maximum stress occurred at the initiation of loading, with stress values decreasing over time at the adhesive edges, and an increase in stiffness observed in the central region of the adhesive. In single lap joints, it was found that overall in-plane stiffness remained constant independent of the adhesive modulus value.

Author Biographies

İsmail Hakkı Bektaş, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Yıldız Technical University

Yildiz Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department

PhD Candidate

Halil Özer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Yıldız Technical University

Yildiz Technical University Mechanical Enginnering Department (Istanbul/Turkey)

Prof. Dr. Halil Özer






Original Article